A broad ruling by the Supreme Court could effectively snuff out the business of serving personalized ads on the internet and turn online ad practices back to the early 90s, experts say
"We are still in the early days of deciding how to launch a lower priced, ad-supported option and no decisions have been made. So this is all just speculation at this point," Netflix
The bill would effectively put an end a company's ability to act as a broker for a buyer or seller of ad space while simultaneously owning the exchange on which the ad space is traded
More than 90% of clicks on advertisements that passed through Australia's "ad tech" supply chain went through at least one Google-owned service in 2020, the regulator said.
Facebook increased its revenue by allegedly using deeply wrong ad metrics and failed to correct inflated numbers owing to fake and duplicate accounts, company employees have claimed in a court filing
News businesses are making less revenue because they began to face competition from websites that have taken classified advertising online, Google said
If advertising practitioners and pundits do need to get themselves into a rage in 2020, there are a lot more pertinent issues than inadvertent mistakes that ought to get them worked up
The study took a sample of 449 persons (all recruited online) who were asked to browse a website, which presented them all with versions of the same advertisements
Millennials trust what people say about brands on social media more than official sources, causing brands to consider more collaborative forms of campaigns
While good content is a primary requirement, allowing visitors to interact on your platform will help you gather a larger following and attract advertisers