Priced at Rs 9,999, the OnePlus Buds Pro 2R are available on OnePlus online store, Amazon India, OnePlus Experience Stores, and OnePlus Store app in obsidian black and misty white colours
Priced at Rs 99,999, the OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro is available for purchase with introductory offers in which ICICI Bank credit card holders get an instant discount of Rs 5,000
OnePlus Buds Pro 2 is a solid pair of wireless earphones best experienced with OnePlus 11 5G because its core upgrades such as Spatial audio is currently not available for experience with other phones
Priced at Rs 99,999, the OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro smart TV will be available on OnePlus website, OnePlus experience stores, Flipkart and Amazon India in March
OnePlus maiden tablet, the OnePlus Pad has been announced along with its supported accessories - OnePlus Stylo and OnePlus Magnetic Keyboard - at the Cloud 11 event on February 7
Arriving on February 14, OnePlus Buds Pro 2 wireless earbuds are currently available for pre-order on OnePlus website, OnePlus store app, OnePlus experience stores, Flipkart, Myntra and Amazon India
Cloud 11 is an in-person event that would also livestream on the OnePlus YouTube channel for online audience. You can watch it through the video embedded below. The event is set to kick off at 7:30 pm
The OnePlus 11R 5G will launch in India alongside the OnePlus 11 5G, OnePlus Buds Pro 2, OnePlus Pad and OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro at the Cloud 11 event on February 7
OnePlus 11 5G product shots provide sneak-peek into the smartphone's design, particularly the rear profile with focus on camera module and colour themes
The OnePlus Monitors X 27 will be available at Rs 27,999 on the OnePlus online store from December 14. Pricing and sale details of the OnePlus Monitor E24 would come later