Mutual Funds Schemes

Begin tax planning at start of financial year to avoid cash crunch later

Consider both income level and deductions you can avail of when choosing between old and new tax regime

Updated On: 09 Apr 2023 | 10:06 PM IST

Easy steps to help the lay investor get started investing in mutual funds

MFs present a great option if you aren't confident about investing in stocks and other asset classes on your own. But you must consider certain factors before choosing a fund house or scheme

Updated On: 14 Feb 2023 | 3:09 PM IST

10 things to remember if you are investing in units of a mutual fund

They work well for investors who aren't adept at picking stocks, debt and other instruments. Yet, one must consider a host of factors before choosing a scheme or fund house

Updated On: 10 Feb 2023 | 4:11 PM IST

Reduce the behaviour gap with a higher exposure to diversified funds

Avoid trying to time entry and exit from funds; hold for at least one complete cycle

Updated On: 27 Oct 2022 | 10:30 PM IST

MFs see assets shrink in Q1 despite record gains for market indices

The average asset base in June quarter stood at Rs 24.6 trillion, as against Rs 27 trillion in previous quarter, translating into a decline of 8.9 per cent

Updated On: 10 Jul 2020 | 9:53 PM IST

Hybrid schemes lose traction among investors, net outflow over RS 9,000 cr

Equity market volatility, credit risk concerns impact sentiment

Updated On: 12 Jun 2020 | 1:27 AM IST

Collapse of commercial papers volume puts debt schemes at risk: Ind-Ra

Generally, the daily volume is Rs 10-15,000 crore in CPs in the secondary market

Updated On: 29 May 2020 | 1:55 AM IST

Don't let change in MF mandate perplex you. Use load-free exit option

Sometimes, they are innocuous ones. But use the load-free exit option if the new mandate doesn't match your goals

Updated On: 15 Dec 2019 | 8:34 PM IST

Mutual funds give FEMA reporting a miss, await govt clarity on the issue

Mutual funds have to adhere to restrictions applicable to foreign investment

Updated On: 18 Nov 2019 | 1:55 AM IST

Samvat 2075: MF investors' appetite for equity schemes sharply diminished

Staying put for the long-haul will mitigate volatility risks, say experts

Updated On: 26 Oct 2019 | 11:40 PM IST

Infosys freefall hits mutual funds; FPIs lose over Rs 17,000 crore

"As Infosys is a Nifty stock, the company is widely held in several equity schemes," said a fund manager. According to industry estimates, the stock is held in over 400 MF schemes

Updated On: 22 Oct 2019 | 10:19 PM IST

Is expense ratio the most important criteria while choosing MF schemes?

Average difference in expense ratios between a regular and direct plan is a good 100-120 basis points

Updated On: 29 Mar 2018 | 6:35 AM IST

Fewer fund schemes good for retail investors

Once Sebi regulations are implemented, they will have to make changes in their portfolios

Updated On: 11 Oct 2017 | 10:48 PM IST

Sebi proposals to make decision-making easier for mutual fund industry

Clear-cut definition of mutual fund schemes will help investors significantly

Updated On: 13 Sep 2017 | 10:20 PM IST

Mutual funds keep fingers crossed on rules for merger of schemes

India's Rs 20 lakh crore mutual fund industry is in a wait and watch mode with fingers crossed fearing imposition of regulations regarding merger of schemes. The mutual fund advisory panel, appointed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is due to meet on Friday amid ripen expectations that fund houses may not enjoy the luxury of continuing with multiple schemes in the same category.Currently, there are about a massive 2,041 mutual fund schemes offered by 40 mutual fund houses. This essentially means one fund house offering 50 schemes, on an average. The regulator is of the view that these many schemes are too much for investors to understand, differentiate and choose from. Further, it has opined that there are various schemes in the same category and hence duplication of funds, making investors confused.Sector officials agree that more than adequate time was given to the sector for the same to follow. "Sebi had been suggesting this for years now, politely while ...

Updated On: 29 Aug 2017 | 12:22 AM IST