Explore Business Standard
Capital markets regulator Sebi on Monday came out with a consultation paper on streamlining disclosure requirements by listed entities. In its consultation paper, Sebi is looking to address the challenges faced with regard to submission of the financial result for the first time by newly listed firms and related to timeline to fill up vacancy of directors, Compliance Officer, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in listed entities. Also, it is looking to address the issue of freezing of demat accounts of the Managing Director, Whole-time director and CEO of a listed entity for continuing non-compliance with the LODR Regulations or non-payment of fines by a listed entity. In order to provide adequate time to newly-listed entities to disclose their first financial results post-listing, Sebi has proposed that at least 15 days from the date of listing may be provided for such disclosures to newly-listed entities. "Listed entity, post listing, shall submit its