India's ranking on the UN's HDI has remained more or less unchanged, suggesting the country is doing no better or worse than others, though most are growing much slower than India, writes T N Ninan
While some of the HDI loss will survive into the future, it does not necessarily affect India's index rank in relation to others, which is down by just one over the six years to 2021, writes T N Ninan
In the last one year, India has slipped on more than a dozen global indices leading the government to look for ways to improve its international rankings
Dhaka's justification for breaking away from West Pakistan is now self-evident. If it has done better than New Delhi in 50 years, it has completely outpaced Pakistan on every metric, writes T N Ninan
The overall index, given in the 2019 HDI report of UNDP, showed that India scored 0.647 in 2018, as against 0.643 in the previous year. The score is calculated in the range of zero to one