The Rs 10,000 cr cut in govt's mkt borrowing obviates the fear of oversupply of paper that typically builds up around Dec end when govt takes stock of its finances for the year
The government will borrow Rs 5.92 trillion, or 41.6 per cent of the new FY23 target, in October-March, including from the issuance of its maiden sovereign green bonds of Rs 16,000 crore
India may keep its market borrowing plan for the financial year intact, with a recent uptick in revenues likely to lead to a discussion on whether the target can be reduced
Actual borrowings and state-wise breakup will be intimated 2-3 days prior to auction day; RBI to try and ensure auctions are held in non-disruptive manner considering mkt conditions
An RBI report says even in the best case scenario, general govt debt may not dip below 75% of GDPl and if there are events, it may in fact rise to 90% of GDP by 2026-27
The Union government is looking to raise Rs 8.45 lakh crore through borrowings in the first half of 2022-23 to fund the revenue gap for reviving the economy, the finance ministry said on Thursday.
Out of gross market borrowing of Rs 14.31 lakh crore estimated for FY2022-23, Rs 8.45 lakh crore is planned to be borrowed in the first half (H1), an official statement said