Around 60 per cent people on, a website that tracks outages, reported problems with Google website while 35 per cent had issues with login
Google announced that it is rolling out a new feature in Gmail, which will allow admins to disable spam filters and hide warning banners for all users or for "a specific allowlist of senders".
Charity-related scams and phishing attempts are harmful to both the victims of the frauds and the charities that would have benefited from the donations
For orders with tracking numbers, users can view their "current delivery status" in their inbox list view and in a summary card at the top of individual emails
For users, it will be easy for them to pick up their conversations from where they have left off as the conversations will migrate automatically from Hangouts to Chat
Multiple users complained about an outage affecting Alphabet Inc's search engine Google as well as its streaming and email services, according to outage monitoring website Downdetector