In a circular in October 2021, Sebi had stated that pooling of funds or units by stockbrokers and clearing members in any form or manner shall be discontinued for all mutual fund transactions
This comes a day after Sebi tweaked the compensation circular, first issued in April, mandating fund houses to pay 20 per cent of the CTC to their key employees in the form of MF units
Sebi has moved SC against June 28 order of SAT which stayed its decision to bar Franklin Templeton from launching new debt schemes for two years and had asked the fund house to refund over Rs 512 cr
Fund houses like Nippon Life India MF, Kotak MF, Aditya Birla Sun Life MF, among others, have filed offer documents with Sebi to launch these popular close-ended debt schemes
The fund house has more branches, workforce, and number of customers at its disposal thanks to the amalgamation of Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank with Union Bank of India (UBI) last year
The regulator has also quadrupled the quantum of investment that individual fund houses can make in overseas exchange traded funds to $200 million from $50 million at present