CAD is expected to hit a decadal high of 3.8% of GDP, or $130.5 bn; to make matters worse, FDI inflows expected are on gross basis and net inflows would be much lower than $100 bn
The value of the foreign portfolio investors (FPI) holdings in the domestic equities reached USD 592 billion in three months ended June 2021, a surge of 7 per cent from the preceding quarter
Cyprus is the third non-FATF country to be given status in a move that could prompt more and possibly larger funds from Europea to route their investments through the island nation
P-notes are issued by registered foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) to overseas investors who wish to be part of the Indian stock market without registering themselves directly
For the equity segment, this is the highest quantum of money invested ever since the FPI data has been made available by the National Securities Depository Ltd