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Agriculture and allied activities grew at a slower pace in the second quarter of 2017-18 as compared to the same period last year, and also sequentially, due to the impact of a high base and drop in kharif grain production.Some experts said July-September or Q2 was anyway a lean period for farming, coming between two harvests.The fall puts into question the hope of agriculture seeing four-plus per cent growth in 2017-18. It's also a reversal of the trend from the first quarter, when agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices was higher than that in current prices, pointing to adverse terms of trade. Farm sector growth in 2017-18, many experts felt, would be 2.5-3 per cent.The data showed that in the second quarter, agricultural GDP at constant prices grew 1.7 per cent; in current prices it rose 3.7 per cent. Sequentially, at constant prices, agriculture and allied activities have grown by 1.7 per cent as against 2.3 per cent in the first quarter (April to June) of ...