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JSW Steel on Monday reported a 15 per cent rise in crude steel production at 18.91 lakh tonnes in January. The company's crude steel production was at 16.46 lakh tonnes (LT) in January 2022, JSW Steel said in a regulatory filing. "JSW Steel reported highest-ever standalone crude steel production for the month of January, 2023 at 18.91 lakh tonnes, a growth of 15 per cent y-o-y on standalone basis," the filing said. The production of its flat-rolled products increased by 14 per cent to 14.24 LT over 12.47 LT in January 2022. Its output of long-rolled products also registered a growth of 14 per cent to 4.25 LT, as against 3.74 LT in January 2022. The overall capacity utilisation was higher at 99 per cent in January 2023 from 96 per cent in December 2022. JSW Steel is the flagship business of the diversified USD 22 billion JSW Group which also has business interests in sectors such as energy, infrastructure, cement, paints, sports and venture capital.
India's crude steel production rose by 5.80 per cent to 124.45 million tonne (MT) in 2022, according to SteelMint. The country had produced 117.63 MT crude steel in 2021, the market research firm said. The production of finished steel was at 110.03 MT, up from over 104.54 MT a year ago, SteelMint said in its latest report. The consumption of finished steel rose to 106.48 MT, as against 98.39 MT in 2021, a year-on-year rise of 8 per cent. SteelMint attributed the increase in output and consumption to "continuous focus of the government on the infrastructure sector." According to the report, the exports in 2022 have registered a fall over the previous year, while the imports have grown in the year ended December 31. At 4.77 MT, the imports were 21 per cent higher against 3.94 MT in 2021. The exports registered a sharp fall of 44 per cent to 10.37 MT in 2022 compared to 18.5 MT a year ago. The import of raw material coking coal was almost flat at 55.94 MT in 2022, the report said.
JSW Steel on Monday said its combined crude steel production rose 17 per cent to 6.24 million tonne (MT) during October-December period of 2022-23. The combined production during the year-ago quarter was at 5.35 MT, JSW Steel said in a statement. "JSW Steel reported its group combined crude steel production at 6.24 million tonne for Q3 FY23 registering a growth of 17 per cent y-o-y (year-on-year), including the production at jointly controlled entities," it said. Its standalone output rose 20 per cent to 6.06 MT in Q3 from 5.05 MT in the year-ago period. According to the company, the combined production includes output of jointly controlled entities Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd (BPSL) and JSW Ispat Special Products Ltd (JISPL), and offshore entity JSW Steel USA Ohio. JSW Steel is among India's top six steel making companies.
JSW Steel on Friday posted 25 per cent rise in standalone crude steel production at 17.76 lakh tonne (LT) during October 2022. Its crude steel output was at 14.25 LT in October 2021, JSW Steel said in a statement. Production of flat rolled products rose 30 per cent to 13.61 LT from 10.45 LT in the same month last year. Long rolled products' output was at 3.70 LT, up 11 per cent as compared to the year-ago period. The capacity utilisation improved to 93 per cent last month from 89 per cent in September 2022.
India's crude steel output rose by 2.56 per cent to 30.06 million tonne (MT) during the July-September period of the ongoing financial year. As per research firm SteelMint, the top six steel makers -- SAIL, Tata Steel, JSW Steel, JSPL, AMNS India and RINL -- produced 18.29 MT steel, the rest 11.77 MT came in from the secondary sector. The country had produced 29.31 MT of steel during the same quarter in the preceding 2021-22 financial year, according the data shared by SteelMint. During the said quarter last fiscal, large producers had jointly manufactured 18.39 MT steel, while the secondary industry produced 10.92 MT, it said. During the quarter ended September 30, 2022, steel exports fell to 1.41 MT from 4.20 MT in the year ago period, registering a year-on-year (y-o-y) fall of 66.43 per cent. The domestic consumption was 11.33 per cent higher at 27.52 MT, as against 24.72 MT in July-September 2021. On the outlook for the sector during the running October-December quarter, Stee