India had introduced a pre-packaged insolvency resolution process last year. It was projected as an alternative resolution process for MSMEs. Find out more about it
YES Bank has given a special notice under Section 169 of the Companies Act, 2013, which seeks the removal of Rashmi Aggarwal, Bhagwan Das Narang, Shankar Aggarwal, and Ashok Mathai Kurien, besides MD
The government has notified the accounting standards for small and medium companies that revise the turnover and borrowing limits as well as help in making disclosure requirements less onerous.
A person registered under provisions of Companies Act 2013 shall, during the period from 21st April 2020 to 30th June 2020 shall be allowed to furnish the return
The separation of the roles of the chairman and MD/CEO was bound to be contentious from the time it was mooted. Surprisingly, it took two years for industry to formally raise this issue