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The government is in the process of identifying mineral blocks like nickel in the sea and would gradually put them on sale, mines secretary Vivek Bharadwaj said on Friday. The mines ministry is amending the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002 and has sought the stakeholders' views on the same. "Because the critical minerals are becoming even more critical, there is this thought that why are we not mining in the oceans...Unfortunately we have not been able to mine the oceans. Now we are amending the Act. It is in public domain, open for comments for the industry, the stakeholders," the mines secretary said during Metal & Metallurgy Expo-2023 organised by CII. The ministry, he said, is in the process of identifying these blocks in the sea and as there are no stakes in there, the auction will be done by the government of India. "That will also be a huge opportunity for industry, a totally new area of operations," he explained. Critical minerals such as ...
Coal minister Pralhad Joshi on Thursday said that the import of dry fuel which has declined considerably will be stopped by 2024. Speaking at an event at the office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India here to release a 'Compendium of Asset Accounts on Mineral and Energy Resources', the minister said commercial coal mine auction which was institutionalised by the present government has made the auctioning process totally transparent. Joshi also complemented CAG's office for bringing out the first ever compendium of asset account on mineral assets of the country. The minister said that the report presents comprehensive picture of the mineral resources spread across different states in the country. He said that the compendium will help in further strengthening sustainable mining process which is of great importance for ecology and future generation. Collating the information of the state asset accounts, the government accounting standards advisory board has prepared the ...