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Child Mortality Rate

1 child or youth died every 4.4 sec in 2021: UN report on child mortality

More than 5.0 mn children under age 5, including 2.3 mn newborns, along with 2.1 mn children and youth aged 5 to 24 yrs -- 43% of whom are adolescents -- died in 2021

Updated On: 11 Jan 2023 | 12:12 PM IST

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Has India's battle against poverty done well in the last 5 yrs?

A World Bank report said that the pandemic pushed 56 million Indians into poverty. This report offers insight into India's prolonged struggle against poverty and its by-products like malnutrition

Updated On: 20 Oct 2022 | 2:20 PM IST

Global Hunger Index: Writing on the wall, or "misleading measurements"?

The Indian government has maintained the stance that the Global Hunger Index is an "erroneous measurement of hunger" and part of a "consistent effort" to "taint India's image"

Updated On: 17 Oct 2022 | 12:42 PM IST

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What will it take to make India a developed nation in the next 25 years?

PM Modi has urged citizens to focus on five resolutions to make India a developed nation in the next 25 years. How will the country and its economy have to perform to achieve this goal by 2047?

Updated On: 16 Aug 2022 | 7:00 AM IST

As many kids die before their 5th birthday in UP as in Afghanistan: Report

Child mortality rates in several Indian states is similar to that of strife-torn countries

Updated On: 12 Jan 2022 | 8:26 AM IST

Infant mortality improves in India but malnutrition gets worse: Survey

Mortality rate among infants and those under five years of age fell in 18 states and union territories out of a total 22 surveyed, while 16 of them registered a rise in the percentage of under-five children who are underweight and severely wasted, according to the fifth National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5). Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Saturday released the fifth National Family Health Survey (NFHS) which contains detailed information on population, health, and nutrition for India and its states and Union Territories. Thirteen states and UTs out of the 22 surveyed recorded a rise in the percentage of children under five years who are stunted in comparison to 2015-16, survey data showed. According to NFHS-5, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Telangana, Tripura, West Bengal, Lakshadweep and Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu recorded a rise in the percentage of children under five years who are stunted in comparison to ...

Updated On: 13 Dec 2020 | 10:22 AM IST

India's child mortality rate declined between 1990 and 2019, says UN

India's child mortality rate has declined substantially between 1990 and 2019 but the country, along with Nigeria, still accounted for almost a third of all under-five deaths last year, according to a new report which warned that COVID-19 pandemic threatens to undo decades of progress in eliminating preventable child deaths globally. The Levels & Trends in Child Mortality' Report 2020 said that the number of global under-five deaths dropped to its lowest point on record in 2019 down to 5.2 million from 12.5 million in 1990. Over the past 30 years, health services to prevent or treat causes of child death such as preterm, low birth weight, complications during birth, neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria, as well as vaccination, have played a large role in saving millions of lives. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in major disruptions to health services that threaten to undo decades of hard-won progress toward eliminating preventable child deaths. According .

Updated On: 09 Sep 2020 | 10:36 AM IST

India had world's highest child mortality rate in 2015, shows Lancet study

United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) set in the year 2000 was to reduce the under-five mortality rate in 2015 to one-third of the 1990 figure

Updated On: 16 May 2019 | 1:14 AM IST

India's under-5 mortality equals global average, but Bangladesh does better

The mortality rates of Bangladesh and Nepal, both countries with a lower per capita income than India's $1,939 ($1,546 and $835, respectively) are 32 and 34, compared to 39 for India

Updated On: 28 Oct 2018 | 10:19 PM IST

India's child mortality rate lags world, disease incidence world's highest

The SDGs set a target of less than 70 deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030

Updated On: 23 Sep 2017 | 5:17 PM IST