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To bring more transparency, Sebi on Thursday asked investment advisers and research analysts to prominently display information, including their name registered with the regulator, logo, registration number and complete address with telephone numbers, in their advertisements. In addition, they have been asked to give the disclaimer that "registration granted by Sebi, membership of BSE Administration and Supervision Ltd (BASL) in case of IAs and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors" in their advertisements. This information should also be there in publications, Know Your Client (KYC) forms, client agreements, statements and in any other form of correspondence with the client. In addition, the regulator has prohibited them from using Sebi logo in their advertisements. The latest move comes after the regulator observed that few Investment Advisers (IAs) and Research Analysts (RAs) are using the bra
Leading bourses NSE and BSE on Thursday said Adani Green Energy will be moved to the first stage of the long term additional surveillance measure framework from April 10. On March 28, both the exchanges had put Adani Green Energy under the second stage of the long term Additional Surveillance Measure (ASM) framework. In two separate circulars, the bourses said Adani Green Energy will continue in the framework but will be moved to respective lower stage ASM from April 10. The parameters for shortlisting securities under the ASM framework include high-low variation, client concentration, number of price band hits, close-to-close price variation and price earning ratio. Meanwhile, stocks of all the 10 listed firms of the Adani group on Thursday ended the day in the positive territory, with Adani Transmission, Adani Green Energy, Adani Total Gas and NDTV each climbing 5 per cent. Many of the group firms hit their upper circuit limits during the day. After taking a beating on the bour
Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on Monday said its total sales increased by 21 per cent year-on-year to 66,091 units in March. The company had dispatched 54,643 units to dealers in March 2022. In a statement, the Mumbai-based auto major said its utility vehicle wholesales rose by 31 per cent to 35,976 utility vehicles in March, as against 27,380 units in the year-ago period. It was the company's highest-ever utility vehicle wholesales in a month. M&M said its exports last month stood at 2,115 units, as against 3,160 units in the year-ago period, a drop of 33 per cent. For the last financial year, the company sold 3,56,961 utility vehicles, an increase of 60 per cent over 2,23,682 units in 2021-22. "Our SUV business recorded all-time high numbers, with a growth of 31 per cent in March 2023, while it recorded a 60 per cent overall growth in FY23, on the back of good demand across the portfolio," M&M President, Automotive Division Veejay Nakra said in the statement.
Waaree Renewable Technologies has bagged a one MW green hydrogen project in Maharashtra on a build-own-operate basis from Mahatma Phule Renewable Energy & Infrastructure Technology Ltd. "The company has received Letter of Intent (LOI) dated March 31, 2023, for executing a 1 MW Green Hydrogen project in Maharashtra on a Built-Own-Operate basis," a BSE filing stated. The project will be executed within 12 months. It is awarded by Mahatma Phule Renewable Energy & Infrastructure Technology Ltd, it showed.
Small stocks have lagged behind the equity benchmark Sensex in 2022-23, falling nearly 6 per cent amid a host of negative factors like higher interest rate regime, high inflation and the Russian-Ukraine war. According to market analysts, it was a tumultuous year for the Indian equity market. The Russian-Ukraine war made the first quarter of the Indian equity market particularly difficult, but the second and third quarters witnessed a respectable rebound, they noted. Headwinds such as high inflation, the Russia-Ukraine war and higher interest rates hit investors' appetite for small stocks. With just one day of trading left in the current fiscal, the BSE smallcap gauge has fallen by 1,616.93 points or 5.73 per cent so far in 2022-23. The midcap index is down 270.29 points or 1.12 per cent in the 2022-23 financial year. In comparison, the BSE Sensex has declined 608.42 points or 1.03 per cent. "Many factors contributed to the underperformance of the Indian stock market in FY23. The
Leading bourses NSE and BSE have said that Adani Green Energy will be put under the second stage of the long-term additional surveillance measure (ASM) framework from Tuesday. In two separate circulars, the bourses said Adani Green Energy shall continue in the ASM framework but will be moved to the respective higher stage from March 28. The move also comes close on the heels of the two exchanges moving two group firms Adani Total Gas and Adani Transmission from the second stage of the long-term ASM framework to Stage-I on Friday. On March 17, both exchanges put Adani Green Energy and NDTV under the first stage of the long-term ASM framework. Meanwhile, all the 10 listed firms of the Adani group on Monday ended the day in the negative territory, with Adani Power, Adani Transmission, Adani Wilmar and Adani Total Gas each falling nearly 5 per cent. Many of the group firms hit their lower circuit limits during the day. The Adani group stocks have taken a beating on the exchanges sinc
Leading bourses NSE and BSE on Wednesday said they will include Adani Power under the short-term additional surveillance measure (ASM) framework from Thursday. Adani Power is shortlisted in short-term ASM framework Stage-I effective March 23, according to separate circulars available on the exchanges. The move also comes close on the heels of the two exchanges moving Adani group stocks -- Adani Green Energy and NDTV -- from the second stage of the long-term ASM framework to Stage I on Monday. Interestingly, both the exchanges had put Adani Power along with Adani Enterprises and Adani Wilmar under short-term ASM on March 8. However, these three stocks were excluded from the short-term ASM framework on March 17. Currently, there is no Adani group stock in the short-term ASM framework. The parameters for shortlisting securities under ASM include high-low variation, client concentration, number of price band hits, close-to-close price variation and price-earning ratio. The NSE and BS
Leading bourses NSE and BSE on Friday said two Adani group stocks -- Adani Green Energy and NDTV -- will be moved to the first stage of the long-term additional surveillance measures (ASM) framework from Monday. These securities will continue in the framework but will be moved from long-term ASM framework Stage II to Stage I from March 20, according to separate circulars. The move also comes close on the heels of the two exchanges excluding Adani Enterprises, Adani Power and Adani Wilmar under the short-term ASM on Thursday. Last week, both NSE and BSE announced that they had moved stocks of Adani Green Energy and NDTV to long-term ASM framework Stage II from Stage I. The parameters for shortlisting securities under the ASM framework include high-low variation, client concentration, number of price band hits, close-to-close price variation and price earning ratio. NSE and BSE said these companies have satisfied the criteria for inclusion under long-term additional surveillance ...