Back Pain

Have niggling neck and body pain? These 8 easy desk exercises will help

Hunching on your desk, bending your neck while using the phone, leaning on the keyboard, and slouching are some of the common habits leading to chronic orthopaedic trouble.

Updated On: 02 Jun 2022 | 2:52 PM IST

Google Assistant to help you stretch, walk, drink water during WFH

To ensure productivity along with enough self-care in between, Google has introduced a new Workday routine that makes Google Assistant help you stretch, walk and drink water as you work from home

Updated On: 24 Sep 2020 | 10:47 AM IST

Amid Covid, work from home hurting back and neck; people seek medical help

With work from home becoming the new normal amid pandemic, many people have started complaining of neck pain and backache while working for long hours and are seeking help from physiotherapists

Updated On: 24 Sep 2020 | 9:49 AM IST

Expert suggests key points on how to tackle perennial back pain

With a correct diagnosis, you can start an appropriate exercise regimen that will minimise future pain

Updated On: 07 Apr 2019 | 12:02 AM IST