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Markets regulator Sebi on Friday permitted asset management companies (AMCs) to provide management and advisory services to all FPIs operating from International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs). This is subject to certain conditions, including that such Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) will be allowed to invest in mutual fund schemes other than the schemes in the category of "thematic", the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a circular. For investment in equity and equity derivative securities listed on recognised stock exchanges in India, the FPIs will not be allowed to take contra-position for six months from the date of purchase or sale of such securities, it said. It has been decided that AMCs may also provide management and advisory services to FPIs operating from IFSC and regulated by International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) not falling under the categories of FPIs specified by Sebi in its circular issued in December 2019, Sebi said. T
Capital markets regulator Sebi on Friday cut the timelines for the payout of redemption amount and dividend to unitholders by Asset Management Companies (AMCs). In a circular, Sebi has reduced the timeline for dividends payout to seven working days from the current 15 days. It said that the record date would be two working days from the issue of public notice, wherever applicable, for the purpose of payment of dividend. "The payment of dividend to the unitholders shall be made within seven working days from the record date," the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said. It has further reduced the timeline for redemption payout to three working days from the existing 10 working days. "The transfer of redemption or repurchase proceeds to the unitholders shall be made within three working days from the date of redemption or repurchase," Sebi said. For schemes investing at least 80 per cent of total assets in such permissible overseas investments, the transfer of redempti
Capital markets regulator Sebi has notified new rules for asset management companies (AMCs) pertaining to transfer of dividend and redemption proceeds to mutual fund unitholders. Under this, every mutual fund and asset management company would be required to transfer to the unitholders the dividend payments and the redemption or repurchase proceeds within a period specified by Sebi, the regulator said in a notification made public on Thursday. In case of failure to transfer the proceeds within the specified period, the AMC would be liable to pay interest to the unitholders for the period of such delay. "Notwithstanding payment of such interest to the unit-holders...the asset management company may be liable for action for failure to transfer the redemption or repurchase proceeds or dividend payments within the stipulated time," Sebi said. It further said that physical despatch of redemption or repurchase proceeds or dividend payments would be carried out only in exceptional ...