Amtek owes lenders Rs 12,641 cr and was on RBI's first list of NPAs mandated for resolution under Bankruptcy Code. The DVI bid is said to be Rs 2,615 cr, of which Rs 500 cr is upfront cash
After an encouraging start, the IBC, launched by the Modi government in 2016, is losing momentum. The first of a 5-part series looks at Amtek Auto's resolution process
While a force majeure clause is common in commercial contracts, in an IBC case, the committee of creditors (CoC) generally doesn't agree to including such a clause in the resolution plan
Bone of contention is long-term lease of ACE Complex Land. Resolution applicant has moved NCLAT, which is likely to start hearing on Thursday against NCLT order
Three of Amtek group companies, including Castex Technologies, Amtek Ring Gears and Metalyst Forgings are each undergoing separate insolvency resolution process