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Probability of another lockdown is less: Principal Economic Advisor

Probability of another lockdown is less: Principal Economic Advisor

Last Updated: Feb 01 2022 | 7:06 AM IST

New Delhi, Feb 01 (ANI): Principal Economic Advisor to the Government of India, Sanjeev Sanyal on January 31 said that the likelihood of another lockdown is less. “Probability of another lockdown is less. If another COVID-wave hits India, overall economic impact will be less,” Sanjeev Sanyal while talking about COVID’s impact on Indian economy. He also claimed that if the Nation manages to sustain the existing economic pace, the employment losses that occurred due to COVID-19 shall be covered up within the next 6 to 9 months. Earlier, Principal Economic Advisor Sanjeev Sanyal and Chief Economic Advisor (CEA) Dr V Anantha Nageswaran presented Economic Survey 2022.

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