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Book Building
₹ 3149.19
₹ 866
₹ 14,722.00
1 Week | 1.12 |
1 Month | -11.39 |
3 Month | -10.03 |
6 Month | 12.26 |
1 Year | 2.67 |
Initial public offering of 36,364,838 equity shares of face value of Re. 1 each (Equity Shares) of the company for cash at a price of Rs. 866 per equity share (Offer Price) aggregating to Rs. 3149.19* crores (Offer). the offer comprises of an offer for sale of 36,364,838 equity shares (Offered Shares) aggregating to Rs. 3149.19* crores, comprising of 17,459,392 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 1511.98* crores by Rhine Holdings Limited, 723,014 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 62.61* crores by Kedaara Capital Alternative Investment Fund-Kedaara Capital AIF 1 and 18,182,432 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 1574.60* crores by Ravi Modi Family Trust (acting through its trustee, Modi Fiduciary Services Private Limited) (together the Selling Shareholders and such offer, the Offer for Sale). The offer shall constitute 14.98% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company. *Subject to finalisation of the basis of allotment.The cash price at Rs. 866 i.e. 866 times of the face value.Bids can be made for a minimum of 17 equity shares and in multiples of 17 equity shares thereafter.
Listing of Shares on the Stock Exchanges.
Vedant Fashions Ltd, Karvy Selenium Tow-B, 31&32 Financial Dist, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad-500032
Phone - 91-40-67162222
Fax - 91-40-23001153/23420814
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