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Book Building
₹ 1023.47
₹ 662
₹ 14,564.00
1 Week | -3.01 |
1 Month | -7.64 |
3 Month | -8.18 |
6 Month | -27.71 |
1 Year | -22.93 |
3 Year | -46.95 |
Initial public offer of 15,465,861 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each (Equity Shares) of Tarsons Products Limited (The Company or the Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 662 per equity share (including a share premium of Rs. 660 per equity share) (Offer Price) aggregating to Rs. 1023.47* crores (The Offer) comprising a fresh issue of 2,265,861* equity shares aggregating to Rs. 149.634* crores by the company (The Fresh Issue) and an offer for sale of 13,200,000 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 873.84* crores comprising of 390,000* equity shares by Sanjive Sehgal aggregating to Rs. 25.81* crores, 310,000* equity shares by Rohan Sehgal aggregating to Rs. 20.52* crores (Sanjive Sehgal and Rohan Sehgal aggregating to Rs. 46.34* crores, together Promoter Selling Shareholders) and 12,500,000* equity shares aggregating to Rs. 827.50# crores by Clear Vision Investment Holdings Pte. Limited (The Investor Selling Shareholder, together with the promoter selling shareholders, the Selling Shareholders and such equity shares, the Offered Shares) (The Offer for Sale). The offer includes a reservation of 60,000* equity shares, aggregating to Rs. 3.60* crores (constituting 0.11% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital), for subscription by eligible employees (The Employee Reservation Portion). The offer less the employee reservation portion is hereinafter referred to as Net Offer. The offer and net offer shall constitute 29.07% and 28.95% (subject to finalization of basis of allotment), respectively, of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company. The face value of equity shares is Rs. 2 each. The offer price is 331 times the face value of the equity shares. *The company and the selling shareholders in consultation with the brlms, have offered a discount of 9.21% of the offer price (equivalent of Rs. 61 per equity share) to eligible employees bidding in the employee reservation portion. * Subject to finalization of basis of allotment Bids cans be made for a minimum of 22 equity and in multiple of 22 shares thereafter.
Repayment/Prepayment of certain Borrowings of the Company. Funding Capital Expenditure for the Proposed Expansion. General Corporate Purposes.
Tarsons Products Ltd, Karvy Selenium Tow-B, 31&32 Financial Dist, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad-500032
Phone - 91-40-67162222
Fax - 91-40-23001153/23420814
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