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Book Building - SME
₹ 40.76
₹ 86
₹ 1,37,600.00
1 Week | 11.65 |
1 Month | 8.11 |
3 Month | 32.76 |
6 Month | 26.36 |
1 Year | -3.33 |
Initial public offer of 47,39,200 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each (the Equity Shares) of Swashthik Plascon Limited (The Company or Swashthik or The Issuer) at an issue price of Rs. 86/- per equity share for cash, aggregating to Rs. 40.76 crores (Public Issue) out of which 2,38,400 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each, at an issue price of Rs. 86/- per equity share for cash, aggregating to Rs. 2.05 crores will be reserved for subscription by the market maker to the issue (the Market Maker Reservation Portion). The public issue less market maker reservation portion i.e. issue of 45,00,800 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each, at an issue price of Rs. 86/- per equity share for cash, aggregating to Rs. 38.71 crores is herein after referred to as the Net Issue. The public issue and net issue will constitute 26.98% and 25.63% respectively of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital of the company.The face value of equity shares is Rs. 10/- each. The issue price is 8.6 times the face value of the equity shares.
Funding capital expenditure for developing new manufacturing facilities and installation of plant and machinery. Fundng of capital expenditure requirements of the company towards set up solar power plant. Purchase of plant and machinery at its existing manufacturing facility. Funding working capital requirements of the company. General corporate purposes.
Swashthik Plascon Ltd, Office No 56-2, Pinnacle Busine.Park, Mahakali Caves Road, Mumbai - 400093
Phone - 91-22-62638200
Fax - 91-22-63638299
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