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₹ 2849.64
₹ 780
₹ 14,820.00
1 Week | -7.88 |
1 Month | -12.96 |
3 Month | -33.70 |
6 Month | -40.61 |
1 Year | -8.27 |
3 Year | -1.36 |
Initial public offering of 36,533,820* equity shares of face value of Re. 1 each (equity shares) of Sterling and Wilson Solar Limited (the company or the issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 780 per equity share (offer price) aggregating to Rs. 2849.64* crores, comprising of an offer for sale of to 24,355,880* equity shares by Shapoorji Pallonji and Company Private Limited aggregating to Rs. 1899.76* crores and 12,177,940* equity shares by Khurshed Yazdi Daruvala aggregating to Rs. 949.88* crores (together, the promoter selling shareholders) and such equity shares offered by the promoter selling shareholders (the offered shares) (the offer). The offer constitutes 22.78% of the post-offer paidup equity share capital of the company.**subject to finalisation of the basis of allotmentThe face value of equity shares is Re. 1 eachOffer Price: Rs.780 per equity share of face value of Re. 1 each.The Offer Price is 780 Times of the face value.
Listing of Shares on the Stock Exchanges.
Sterling & Wilson Renewable Energy Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083
Phone - 91-22-49186000
Fax - 91-22-49186060
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Website - https:,