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₹ 451.25
₹ 321
₹ 14,445.00
1 Week | -9.74 |
1 Month | -21.60 |
3 Month | -28.15 |
6 Month | 0.33 |
1 Year | 23.57 |
3 Year | 131.96 |
Initial public offer of 14,057,719 equity shares of face value Rs. 10 each (equity shares) of Quick Heal Technologies Limited (company or issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 321 per equity share (including a share premium of Rs. 311 per equity share) aggregating up to Rs. 451.25 crores (the offer) consisting of a fresh issue of up to 7,788,161 equity shares by the company aggregating up to Rs. 250.00 crores (the fresh issue) and an offer for sale of 6,269,558 equity shares by Kailash Sahebrao Katkar, Sanjay Sahebrao Katkar, Sequoia Capital India Investment Holdings III and Sequoia Capital India Investments III (collectively, the selling shareholders) aggregating up to Rs. 201.25 crores (the offer for sale). The offer comprises a net offer to the public of 13,901,956 equity shares (the net offer) and a reservation of 155,763 equity shares aggregating up to Rs. 5.000 crores for subscription by eligible employees (The employee reservation portion). The offer would constitute 20.07% of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital and the net offer would constitute 19.85% of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital. The Offer Price : Rs. 321 per equity share of face value of Rs. 10 each. The offer price is 32.1 times of the face value anchor investor issue price : Rs. 321 per equity share.
Advertising and Sales promotion. Capital expenditure for research and development. Purchase, development & renovation of office prem.. General corporate purposes.
Quick Heal Technologies Ltd, C-13 Pannalal Silk, Mills Cmpd LBS Marg, Bhandup West, Mumbai - 400 078
Phone - 91-022-25963838
Fax - 91-022-25946969
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