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₹ 1100
₹ 480
₹ 14,880.00
1 Week | -0.37 |
1 Month | -15.18 |
3 Month | -20.89 |
Initial public offer of 22,916,666 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 each (Equity Shares) of P N Gadgil Jewellers Limited (The Company or the Company or the Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 480 per equity share (including a premium of Rs. 470 per equity share) (the Offer Price) aggregating to Rs. 1100.00 crores (the Offer) comprising a fresh issue of 17,708,333 equity shares by our company aggregating to Rs. 850.00 crores (the Fresh Issue) and an offer for sale of 5,208,333 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 250.00 crores (the Offer for Sale) by SVG Business Trust (referred to as the Promoter Selling Shareholder and such equity shares offered by the promoter selling shareholder, the Offered Shares). The face value of the equity share is Rs. 10 each and the offer price is 48 times the face value of equity share.
Funding expenditure towards setting up of 12 new stores. Repayment or pre-payment in full or part of certain borrowings availed by the company. General corporate purposes.
P N Gadgil Jewellers Ltd, Office No 56-2, Pinnacle Busine.Park, Mahakali Caves Road, Mumbai - 400093
Phone - 91-22-62638200
Fax - 91-22-63638299
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