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Book Building-REITs
₹ 4500
₹ 275
₹ 1,65,000.00
1 Week | 2.04 |
1 Month | 4.54 |
3 Month | 3.60 |
6 Month | 11.49 |
1 Year | 14.60 |
3 Year | 9.57 |
Initial offer of up to (*) Units (as defined hereinafter) of Mindspace Business Parks REIT (Mindspace REIT) for cash at a price of Rs (*) per Unit aggregating up to Rs. 4500 Crores consisting of a fresh issuance of up to (*) Units by Mindspace REIT aggregating up to Rs. 1000 Crores (Fresh Issue) and an offer for sale of up to (*) Units by the Selling Unitholders (as defined hereinafter) aggregating up to Rs. 3500 Crores (Offer for Sale and together with the Fresh Issue, the Offer ).IPO Price: Rs.275 per UnitsMinimum Order Quantity - 200 Units.
Mindspace Business Parks REIT, Karvy Selenium Tow-B, 31&32 Financial Dist, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad-500032
Phone - 91-40-67162222
Fax - 91-40-23001153/23420814
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