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₹ 600
₹ 130
₹ 14,950.00
1 Week | -0.51 |
1 Month | -12.59 |
3 Month | -20.55 |
6 Month | -15.76 |
1 Year | -18.44 |
3 Year | -52.21 |
Initial public offering of 46,153,846 equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each (equity shares) of Laxmi Organic Industries Limited (The Company or The Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 130 per equity share (Including a premium of Rs. 128 per equity share) (offer price) aggregating to Rs. 600.00 crore (offer). The offer comprises of a fresh issue of 23,076,923 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 300.00 crores (Fresh issue) and an offer for sale of 23,076,923 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 300.00 crores by Yellow Stone Trust (promoter selling shareholder), (The offer for sale, and together with the fresh issue, the offer). The offer will constitute 17.50% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital.The face value of equity shares is Rs.2 each and Offer Price is 130 of the face value of the equity share.The Issue Price is 65.00 times of the face value.
Investment in wholly owned subsidiary, Yellowstone Fine Chemicals Private Limited (YFCPL) for part-financing its capital expenditure requirements in relation to the setting up of manufacturing facility for fluorospecialty Chemicals(Proposed). Investment in YFCPL for funding its working capital requirements. Funding capital expenditure requirements for expansion of SI Manufacturing Facility (Proposed Expansion). Funding working capital requirements of the company. Purchase of plant and machinery for augmenting infrastructure development at SI Manufacturing Facility. Prepayment or repayment of all or a portion of certain outstanding borrowings availed by the company and wholly owned subsidiary, Viva Lifesciences Private Limited (VLPL). General corporate purposes.
Laxmi Organic Industries Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083
Phone - 91-22-49186000
Fax - 91-22-49186060
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