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₹ 1500
₹ 366
₹ 14,640.00
1 Week | -12.31 |
1 Month | -2.20 |
3 Month | 12.78 |
6 Month | 60.28 |
1 Year | 130.99 |
Initial Public Offering of 40,983,606 equity shares* of face value of Rs. 10 each (equity shares) of KFin Technologies Ltd (company or the company or the issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 366 per equity share (including share premium of Rs. 356 per equity share) (the offer price) aggregating to Rs. 1500 Crores* (the offer) comprising of an offer for sale of 40,983,606 equity shares* aggregating to Rs. 1500 Crores* (offer for sale) by General Atlantic Singapore Fund Pte Ltd (the promoter sellingshareholder). The offer constitutes 24.46% of the post-offer paid up equity share capital of the company. The face value of the equity share is Rs.10 each and the offer price is 36.60 times the face value of equity shares.*Subject to Finalization of Basis of Allotment
Listing of the Equity Shares of Stock Exchanges. To carry out the Offer for Sale 40,983,606 equity shares aggregating Rs.1500 Crores by the Promoter Selling Shareholder.
KFin Technologies Ltd, Office No 56-2, Pinnacle Busine.Park, Mahakali Caves Road, Mumbai - 400093
Phone - 91-22-62638200
Fax - 91-22-63638299
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