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Fixed Price - SME
₹ 17.07
₹ 23
₹ 1,38,000.00
Initial public offer of upto 74,22,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each (Equity Shares) of Jiwanram Sheoduttrai Industries Limited (JSIL or the Company) for cash at a price of Rs. 23/- per share (the Offer Price), aggregating to Rs. 17.07 crores (The Offer), of which upto 3,72,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each will be reserved for subscription by market maker to the issue (the Market Maker Reservation Portion). The issue less market maker reservation portion i.e. issue of upto 70,50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each is hereinafter referred to as the Net Issue. The offer and the net offer will constitute 29.99 % and 28.48 %, respectively of the post issue paid up equity share capital of the company.The face value of equity shares is Rs. 10 each. The offer price is 2.3 times the face value.The application must be for a minimum of 6000 equity shares and in multiples of 6000 equity shares thereafter.
To meet Working Capital Expenses. Prepayment and repayment of all a portion of certain unsecured loan availed by the company. General corporate purposes.
Jiwanram Sheoduttrai Industries Ltd, Subramanian Building, 1ST Floor No 1, Club House Road, Chennai - 600002
Phone - 91-44-28462700
Fax - 91-44-28460129
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