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Book Building
₹ 6479.55
₹ 1500
₹ 15,000.00
1 Week | -5.89 |
1 Month | -4.10 |
3 Month | 2.41 |
6 Month | -18.22 |
1 Year | -14.04 |
3 Year | -54.54 |
Initial public offer of 43196968 equity shares of face value of Re. 1 each (equity shares) of Gland Pharma Limited (Company or Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs.1500 Per equity share (including a share premium of Rs.1499 per equity share) aggregating Rs.6479.55 crores (The Offer) comprising a fresh issue of 8,333,333 equity shares aggregating up to Rs. 1250 crores on (The fresh issue) and an offer for sale of 34,863,635 equity shares, including 19,368,686 equity shares by Fosun Pharma Industrial Pte. Ltd (promoter selling shareholder) and 10,047,435 equity shares by Gland Celsus Bio Chemicals Private Limited, 3,573,014 equity shares By Empower Discretionary Trust, and 1,874,500 equity shares by Nilay Discretionary Trust (collectively, the other selling shareholders and collectively With the promoter selling shareholder are referred to as the selling shareholders, and such equity shares, the offered shares) aggregating up to Rs. 5229.55 crores (the offer for sale). The offer shall constitute 26.46% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company.The face value of Equity shares is Re.1 each. The offer price is Rs.1500 per equity share and is 1500 times the face value of the Equity Shares. The Anchor Investor Offer Price is Rs.1500 per Equity Share.
Funding incremental working capital requirements of the company. Funding capital expenditure requirements of the company. General corporate purposes.
Gland Pharma Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083
Phone - 91-22-49186000
Fax - 91-22-49186060
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