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₹ 588.22
₹ 585
₹ 14,625.00
1 Week | 2.07 |
1 Month | -12.50 |
3 Month | -6.85 |
6 Month | -30.98 |
1 Year | 15.49 |
3 Year | 179.88 |
Initial public offer of 10,055,114# equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each (Equity Shares) of Data Patterns (India) Limited (The Company or the Issuer) for cash at a price of Rs. 585 per equity share (including a share premium of Rs. 583 per equity share) (Offer Price) aggregating to Rs. 588.22# crores (The Offer) comprising a fresh issue of 4,102,564# equity shares aggregating to Rs. 240.00*# crores by the company (The Fresh Issue) and an offer for sale of 5,952,550# equity shares aggregating to Rs. 348.22# crores, comprising 1,967,013# equity shares aggregating to Rs. 115.07# crores by Srinivasagopalan Rangarajan, 1,967,012# equity shares aggregating to Rs. 115.07# crores by Rekha Murthy Rangarajan (The Promoter Selling Shareholders) , 75,000# equity shares aggregating to Rs. 4.39# crores by Sudhir Nathan and 414,775# equity shares aggregating to Rs. 24.26# crores by G.K. Vasundhara (The Other Selling Shareholders) and 1,528,750# equity shares aggregating to Rs. 89.43# crores by the persons listed in this prospectus (The Individual Selling Shareholders as defined below) (the promoter selling shareholders, the other selling shareholders and the individual selling shareholders collectively, the Selling Shareholders, and such equity shares offered by the selling shareholders, the Offered Shares) (such offer for sale by the selling shareholders, the Offer for Sale and together with the fresh issue, The Offer).#Subject to finalisation of basis of allotment*The company, in consultation with the brlms, has undertaken a pre-ipo placement of 1,039,861 equity shares aggregating to Rs. 60.00 crores (pre-ipo placement). The size of the fresh issue as disclosed in the draft red herring prospectus, aggregating up to Rs. 300.00 crores, has been reduced by Rs. 60.00 crores pursuant to the pre-ipo placement, and accordingly, the fresh issue is of Rs. 240.00 crores.The face value of equity shares is Rs. 2 each. The offer price is 292.50 times the face value of the equity shares.Bids can be made for a minimum of 25 equity shares and in multiples of 25 equity shares thereafter.
Prepayment or Repayment of all or a Portion of Certain Outstanding Borrowings availed by the Company. Funding Working Capital Requrements of the Company. Upgrading and Expanding the Existing Facilities at Chennai. General Corporate Purposes.
Data Patterns (India) Ltd, C-101 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai-400083
Phone - 91-22-49186000
Fax - 91-22-49186060
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