Mahindra & Mahindra has recently launched the all-new Scorpio N in India. The body-on-ladder SUV has garnered interest from customers across the country. During the launch those who got to see a glimpse of the beast, it was pretty clear that the new SUV is engineered to match the performance of other D-segment luxury SUVs like Ford Endeavour and Toyota Fortuner. There's no denying that M&M is one of the prominent automobile companies in the country.
The overall auto sales of M&M were of whopping 53,723 vehicles for May 2022. And with the launch of Scorpio N, M&M is said to dominate the SUV market. Mumbai-based car dealer and entrepreneur Karan Asrani believes that Scorpio N has the DNA of Scorpio Classic which will rule the market with its robust sales. Mr. Asrani is the CEO of Krishna Group, a leading car dealership showroom that has an association with automobile giants like Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Motors, My TVS and Mahindra First Choice.
Karan shares that the last two years have been rock solid for M&M. He shares, "In 2020, we came up with Thar, and in 2021, we brought the swanky XUV700 for the customers. Now, in 2022, the big daddy of SUVs, Mahindra Scorpio N will take the SUV segment by storm." The price of Scorpio N starts from Rs 11.99 lakhs, and a decent trim diesel automatic model is priced at Rs 16.94 lakhs.
Moreover, the 4x4 has its price set at Rs 18.40 lakhs. This makes the newly launched Scorpio N one of the most anticipated SUVs. With the bookings starting from July 30, the prices of the above variants are for the first 25 sales. Looking at the demand for the new model, Karan Asrani is sure that the first 25000 models of Scorpio N will be sold in a few minutes.
Scorpio was first launched in 2002, and since then, Mahindra has single-handedly taken the SUV segment to a new high in the retail market. While concluding, Mr. Asrani revealed that Scorpio N is designed to offer the best ride even across bumpy roads. It has already left the buyers excited as the Scorpio has traditionally never been easy to drive on rough roads.