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Surinder Sud

Surinder Sud

Surinder Sud

Some fodder for thought

Uptrend in milk prices can be attributed chiefly to the steadily worsening shortage and the resultant surge in the prices of fodder and feed, accounting for nearly 65% of the cost of milk production

Updated On: 19 Mar 2023 | 10:09 PM IST

Saving the land for better use

In India, the economic loss due to land degradation and changes in land use pattern was estimated in 2014-15 at Rs 3.17 trillion

Updated On: 19 Feb 2023 | 11:02 PM IST

Sinful waste that needs to be stopped

The menace of hunger or undernourishment can be mitigated to a considerable extent just by curtailing the wastage of raw food and making a better use of the left-over cooked food

Updated On: 22 Jan 2023 | 10:12 PM IST