Jehangir B Gai

Jehangir B Gai

Jehangir B Gai

Banks can't withhold loan on flimsy ground

The District Commission concluded that raising a doubt about the validity of the NOC at such a belated stage could not be permitted

Updated On: 19 Mar 2023 | 9:13 PM IST

Consent must for fixed to floating loan shift

When the loan agreement was submitted in the revision proceedings, it revealed the interest rate column, which should have mentioned fixed or floating, had been left blank

Updated On: 05 Mar 2023 | 8:54 PM IST

Hospital held liable for acting without consent

Dilip filed a complaint before the Delhi State Commission, alleging that the RFA procedure was carried out without his knowledge or consent, and also without considering the findings of the EPS

Updated On: 19 Feb 2023 | 9:33 PM IST

Builder paid for breach of contract by buyer

The National Commission noted that the agreement provided for a refund of money, along with interest, but the purchasers had never sought refund

Updated On: 05 Feb 2023 | 9:45 PM IST

No sub-limits in policy? Avg clause can't apply

According to the National Commission, the average clause couldn't apply since the policy didn't have individual coverage limits for building, stock, and packaging material

Updated On: 22 Jan 2023 | 10:18 PM IST