

Diversity on the bench: Police, judiciary lack caste, gender multiplicity

The report tracks states' progress on justice delivery mechanisms - the judiciary, police, prisons, and legal aid.

Updated On: 09 Apr 2023 | 10:48 PM IST

Why migrant undertrials struggle to furnish bail, access timely legal aid

All undertrials, except those with privilege, endure difficulties in engaging with the justice system

Updated On: 02 Apr 2023 | 9:42 PM IST

Govt boosts PMAY budget while previous targets only partially met

Centre has increased budget for housing scheme, although older targets haven't been met

Updated On: 19 Feb 2023 | 9:24 PM IST

Climate change, competition from cheaper tea imperil Darjeeling industry

Darjeeling tea with its bright metallic colour was the first product of the country to be awarded the Geographical Indication (GI) trademark in 2004

Updated On: 17 Jan 2023 | 10:23 AM IST