Harsh Roongta

Harsh Roongta


Harsh Roongta

Wealth creation is simple but not easy, requires discipline

Clients often fall back into old habits and require motivation to stay on track. Financial planning professionals also provide support during in inevitable setbacks

Updated On: 14 Apr 2023 | 5:44 PM IST

Focus on coverage provided, not premium collected

Measuring actual coverage provided, rather than premiums received, will ensure that the insurance industry's success is aligned with the goal of 'insurance for all'

Updated On: 26 Mar 2023 | 9:23 PM IST

Searchable database for unclaimed shares needed

A publicly available transparent database would increase the chances of genuine claimants finding out and making their claims, thus reducing the chances of fraudulent claims

Updated On: 12 Mar 2023 | 9:33 PM IST

Mad money: Indulgence that keeps you disciplined

Clients with insufficient resources should be allowed a Mad Money Fund, even if it creates the risk they may not be able to meet their goals

Updated On: 12 Feb 2023 | 9:38 PM IST

Budget aims to fix 'nuts and bolts' of state machinery

The government clearly wants everyone to file income tax returns so that the people with unaccounted wealth do not use the low income individual as a shield for their unaccounted wealth

Updated On: 02 Feb 2023 | 2:07 AM IST

Beware! Govts do default on pension liabilities

The faith displayed by employees in a future government's ability to pay pension is perplexing when stories abound of state governments having difficulty in paying salaries

Updated On: 29 Jan 2023 | 8:57 PM IST

Leader in tech, laggard in succession systems

It is difficult to reconcile the ultra-modern technology-driven banking sector with its poor record on customer service, including on the succession front

Updated On: 15 Jan 2023 | 11:46 PM IST