Amit Tandon

Amit Tandon

Amit Tandon

In US, the climate briefly turns on ESG

ESG is a framework that investors - $8 trillion by some reckoning - have adopted for making investment decisions

Updated On: 13 Mar 2023 | 11:00 PM IST

What Hindenburg has got wrong

It is hard to agree with Hindenburg's broad-brush rationale for dissing corporate India. If anything, over the past few years, corporate governance standards in the country have strengthened

Updated On: 13 Feb 2023 | 10:19 PM IST

When shareholders don't buy the numbers

Last month, the resolution to approve the accounts of a direct-to-home service provider was defeated for third time. Regulations need to provide direction regarding the way forward in such instances

Updated On: 16 Jan 2023 | 10:17 PM IST