BPSC PT Exam 2022: Date, pattern, syllabus, and details

BPSC PT Exams 2022: Bihar Public Service Commission has made key changes in the schedule, merit list and optional papers procedure. Read this detailed article to know everything about BPSC PT Exam

Entrance Exams
Entrance Exams
BS Trends New Delhi
4 min read Last Updated : Sep 02 2022 | 11:47 AM IST
Bihar Public Service Commission Preliminary Test (BPSC PT) Exam 2022 has been officially announced on the website for their 67th examination. According to the BPSC notice, the prelims test (PT) will be conducted on September 20, 2022 and September 22, 2022.

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The admit card for the exam will be issued 10 days before the exam, reports suggest. However, there is more to the exam that you should know.

BPSC PT Exam 2022: Key changes in BPSC Pre Exam

  1.  The exam will be held in two shifts for the first time. The commission will conduct the preliminary examination in two days, both shifts will have a different question paper.
  2. The commission has decided to release the result of the prelims examination on the basis of percentile for transparency in results.
  3. Candidates are allowed to change their optional paper during the mains. Until now, students had to pick their optional subjects while filing for preliminary exams. After that, nobody was allowed to change the subjects.

What is BPSC PT Exam 2022?

BPSC PT Exam 2022 is the 67th examination conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission for the state-level recruitment to multiple posts such as rural development officer, sub-divisional officer, district sanapark officer and PCS level officers.

The exam is held annually for eligible candidates and is the second most popular examination in Bihar after the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam.

When will the BPSC PT Exam 2022 be held?

The 67th Prelims exam will be held on September 20 and September 22 in 2022. Initially, it was scheduled to be held on May 8, 2022.

What is the syllabus of the BPSC PT Exam 2022?

BPSC Prelims will cover different aspects of polity, economics, history, general science, history and the national movement. The table given below explains all this more clearly.

No of Papers  General Studies (150 marks)
Duration 2 hours
BPSC Syllabus 1. General Science
2. Events of national and international importance
3. History of Bihar and Indian History
4. Geography(mainly Geography of Bihar)
5. Indian Polity and Economy
6. Changes in the economy of Bihar post-independence
7. Indian National Movement and the Role of Bihar
8. General Mental Ability.

What is the exam pattern of the BPSC Exam 2022? 

The BPSC Prelims exam is of 2 hours duration and carries 150 marks. The table given below would give a better overview.

Stage of BPSC Exam Type of Exam Mode Total Marks Duration
Prelims Objective Offline 150 2 Hours
Mains Subjective Offline One qualifying paper (Hindi) 3 Hours for each Paper
      900 ( 3 Papers of 300 marks each)  
Personal Interview Physically Present Offline 120 Not Defined

Who is eligible for BPSC PT Exam 2022?

Every candidate who is a graduate of any government-recognised university is eligible to appear for the examination. The BPSC does not differentiate or discriminate against candidates on the basis of field specialisations.

BPSC PT Cutoff 2022 (Expected)

Category Expected Cut-off Marks (Out of 150)
Unreserved 112
Unreserved (Female) 104
EWS 107
EWS (Female) 99
SC 99
SC (Female) 92
ST 102
EBC 106
CBC (Female) 97
BC 108
BC(Female) 101
BCL 99
Disabled (Blind) 93
Disability (Developmental Disability) 85
Disabled (Orthopaedically Handicapped) 99
Disabled (Multiple Disorders) 65
Former freedom fighter's grandkid 101

What was the cutoff of the BPSC Exam 2021?

Category Written Exam Final Exam
Unreserved (UR) 454 537
Unreserved (Female) 442 518
 Economically Weaker Sections 428 532
 Economically Weaker Sections (Female) 412 514
Scheduled Caste 384 497
Scheduled Caste(Female) 374 473
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 363 475
Economically  Backward Cast 415 518
Economically Backward Caste (Female) 400 501
Backward Caste (BC) 437 537
BC(Female) 426 516
BCL 413 513
Disabled (VI) 345 474
Disabled (DD) 335 402
Disabled (OH) 397 497
Disabled (MD) 294 340
Grandchild of Ex Freedom Fighter 435 519

(Written by Zuhair Zaidi)

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