Highlighting the country's other accomplishments, PM Modi said, India is world's second largest in mobile manufacturing. He said, "We are third in the world in terms of air traffic and energy consumption. We are fourth globally in renewable energy consumption. The world is looking at India with hopes."
"Several countries are suffering from instability due to war. Several others are facing inflation, unemployment, and lack of food security including our neighbours. Amid difficult times, India became the fifth-largest economy," PM Modi pointed out.
He added, "India is emerging as a manufacturing hub. The world sees its prosperity in India's growth but some people don't want to accept it. The country is moving ahead at full strength, with massive transformation through technology taking place."
Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed the UPA-II regime and termed Congress's rule a decade of corruption and terror. He said that while the world was busy enhancing its technology, the UPA-II were busy with scams like 2G. There were two-three decades of instability; now there is political stability in country, a decisive government is in place, he said.
PM Modi said that the 10 years of UPA government between 2004 to 2014 saw most cases of corruption in the history of Independent India. That decade also saw terrorist forces rear their heads. The prime minister said that India lost its global standing in those 10 years. "That decade will be known as the lost decade," he said.
Not just Harvard, all big universities of the world will conduct studies on Congress's downfall, said PM Modi in Lok Sabha, adding that Enforcement Directorate has brought all Opposition parties together on one platform, it has done what electorate could not do.
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