The company agreed to close down all its services—bike, autorickshaw and food delivery—in Maharashtra till January 20, when the court will hear the matter again.
"The app is now inoperative in Maharashtra. We however do clarify for the convenience of customers who may have booked rides before 1pm today, the petitioner may fulfill those obligations. This is only for the convenience of those consumers," the court said.
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Maharashtra’s Advocate General. Birendra Saraf said Rapido has to first shut down its services if it wants the court to consider its plea.
Saraf told the court that a committee has been set up to explore guidelines for bike-taxis in the state. Maharashtra is in the process of initiating prosecution against Uber and other companies operating bike-taxis.
Rapido, in earlier hearings, argued that there is discrimination against it as Uber and others continue to offer bike-taxis.
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