What is Expenditure Budget
The Expenditure Budget of the government highlights the allotment of funds for disbursement to different ministries, sectors, departments in a financial year as part of the Union Budget. The allotments are made under Plan and non-Plan estimates for departments and ministries concerned.
The government prepares the expenditure portfolio in three different documents:
1. Expenditure profile: The expenditure profile compiles relevant data across all ministries and departments to sketch a profile of the general financial performance of the government. It is one of the explanatory documents that aid economic analyses. The statements contained in this document are prepared on the basis of data given by ministries. Some of the statements are based on the data contained in the Expenditure Budget. It includes Budgetary trends on gender Budget, the welfare of women and children, resource allocation for the northeastern states and welfare of SC/STs.
2. Demand for Grants: It is the document in which estimates of expenditure from the consolidated fund of India are submitted in pursuance of Article 113 of the Constitution. They are included in the annual financial statement and are required to be voted upon in the Lok Sabha. The demands for grants include both charged and voted expenditure. These are further classified as revenue and capital expenditure according to the nature of end-use.
3. Expenditure Budget: As explained above, the Expenditure Budget contains details and estimates of the amount to be allocated to different ministries and departments for their proper functioning in a given financial year.
What are the parts of Expenditure Budget?
The Expenditure Budget is further divided into capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.
Capital Expenditure: This expenditure pertains to amount spent on the creation of assets and is a cause for a reduction in liabilities for the government. It is non-recurring in nature and adds to the capital stock of the economy, increasing its productivity through long-term developmental programmes and welfare schemes — for instance, construction of metro rail networks, highways, ports, etc. It also includes the loans given to Union Territories and states, and repayment of borrowings.
Revenue Expenditure: This section details of expenditure that neither creates assets nor causes a reduction in liability for the government. It is recurring in nature and is incurred on the normal functioning of the government. The allocations under Revenue Expenditure include payment of salaries, pension, interests, expenditure on administration, defence, health, and other services in the country.
Read full Expenditure Budget documents
Expenditure Budget 2021-2022
Read full Expenditure Budget documents
Expenditure Budget 2021-2022