"Sham!" and "who the hell are you" scoldings dominated a Senate hearing where the CEOs of Twitter, Facebook, and Google took heat in a talking match with US lawmakers over the idea of free speech
The government has shot off a stern letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and asserted that any attempt by the platform to disrespect the country's sovereignty and integrity is totally unacceptable
Judiciary committee staff are discussing voluntary appearances, added Graham
The hearing "must be constructive and focused on what matters most to the American people: how we work together to protect elections," Twitter said in a tweet in its policy channel
The new API system puts different products in the same platform, each with different access levels
In May, Twitter announced it is testing a new feature where it will show retweets with comments in a separate column or bar alongside the current retweet counter
A Twitter subscription model faces an interesting test as parts of the media and entertainment industry seem destined to move back toward predominantly advertising-supported platforms
So far, the crypto address mentioned in the tweets received more than $110,000 Bitcoins
It is unclear how Trump could follow through on the threat of shutting down social media companies. President, himself is a heavy user of Twitter with more than 80 million followers
The feud can have implications for freedom of speech
Twitter Safety said that action against Trump's tweets about California's vote-by-mail plans is part of efforts to enforce the civic integrity policy
He said the firm isn't likely to return to its offices before September, and even after the lockdown measures end, employees could continue to work from home, if they want.
No Filter has a deceptively simple goal: 'To bring you the definitive inside story of Instagram'
Dorsey said that after the pandemic ends, the fund would focus on health and education for girls and "universal basic income" efforts.
Elliott's push comes at a pivotal time with the US election, Summer Olympics and other major events, like the spread of the coronavirus, which tend to attract more users and advertisers to Twitter
'Give us some direct feedback,' said Dorsey, who spoke to Musk via a video call from a company meeting in Houston
Discontinuing political ads is a bold move
Political ads on social media platforms have been a growing cause for concern globally, especially since reports of foreign interference in the 2016 US Presidential elections surfaced
Dorsey said the company would share the final policy by November 15, and will start enforcing it from November 22 to provide current advertisers a notice period before the change goes into effect
He explained that Libra is not based on an open standard, born on the Internet