Himachal Pradesh's Mandi Lok Sabha seat is witnessing a nail-biting contest in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls as the BJP has fielded popular actress Kangana Ranaut. However, Congress has fielded state MLA Vikramaditya Singh as Mandi LS seat is considered a pocket borough of his family, although, most of the Assembly seats lying in Mandi LS seat where won by the BJP in the 2022 state polls in spite of Saffron party receiving a drubbing in that election.
Four engineer friends have claimed to have innovated a giant swing backed by AI which will provide an "impeccable" security to the jumpers with more than 100 jump styles
Thakur said new initiatives were taken to ensure basic facilities in education sector in Seraj area. Strong infrastructure was developed to provide higher and vocational education to students, he said
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur will on Monday visit flash flood and landslide hit areas in Mandi district, officials said
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi have developed sustainable techniques for soil stabilization using a harmless bacteria called S. Pasteurii.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday attended the ground breaking ceremony for 287 investment projects worth over Rs 28,197 crores in Himachal Pradesh's Mandi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Mandi in Himachal Pradesh on Monday to lay the foundation stone of hydropower projects worth over Rs 11,000 crore
State-level agencies and cooperatives are also eligible for loans up to Rs 2 cr to build farm gate storage infra and processing facilities at interest subvention of 3%
Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu on Sunday attacked Union Food Minister Piyush Goyal over his letter regarding the issue of direct payment to farmers
Strongly defends farm acts says investments in agriculture will create jobs; again invites protesting farmers for talks
Chand's comments come hours before the central government is slated to hold the fifth round of negotiations with farmers' unions to end the now weeklong blockade of Delhi.
During this time of the year, potatoes and vegetables come from Punjab and Haryana
Overall, Indian employees felt positive about the manner in which their employers had treated them during the Covid-19 pandemic, with 59 per cent rating their company's treatment of staff "excellent"
Farmers allowed to sell 46 fruits and vegetables directly without bringing them to mandis
Supplies remained unaffected and no unusual spike in prices says Mandi Chairman; 15 confirmed cases registered so far
Despite government effort, food companies, retailers continue to depend mainly on mandis for procurement
Heavy snowfall has been reported in Janjehali valley