AAP chief spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar said that in the last 10 years, the Aam Aadmi Party government has taken many long-term and short-term steps to control pollution in Delhi
Orbn met with Xi just two months ago when he hosted the Chinese leader in Hungary as part of a three-country European tour
Orbn met with Xi just two months ago when he hosted the Chinese leader in Hungary as part of a three-country European tour
The jump in employment cannot be equated to the creation of formal jobs with regular wages
edit Market pundits also expect some changes in the tax treatment of gains arising from trades in the futures & options (F&O)
IMD weather update: Maharashtra is forecasted for very heavy rainfall over the next five days, with an orange alert for July 8
DU has increased from Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 the fee for those seeking correction in marksheet within six years from the day of graduation and Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000 for a period more than six years
Orbn met with Xi just two months ago when he hosted the Chinese leader in Hungary as part of a three-country European tour
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Several countries in the European Union such as Italy, the Netherlands or Sweden have veered to the right in national elections as voters cast their ballots for eurosceptic parties