Understanding the circumstances under which the finance minister chose to use the escape clause under the FRBM Act will be a useful exercise
In its outlook for FY21, it projected the deficit to be 3.4 per cent in the next year against 3 per cent given in the papers presented under the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM)
The government has announced a slew of measures recently to prop-up the economy, but Ind-Ra believes they will come to aid only in the medium term
The government should invoke the escape clause under the FRBM Act but stay within the prescribed 0.5 per cent wiggle room allowed in an extraordinary year under the guidelines, said the official
The number wasn't imported from the Maastricht Treaty, but is a synthesis of the experiences of various countries within and outside the accord
The FRBM Act, after its amendment in 2018, allows a fiscal deficit slippage of not more than 0.5% for any given year, provided there are justifications
While criticising the fiscal deficit target in the FRBM Act, the commentariat ignores the fact that the legislation also stipulated a stiffer revenue deficit target
There are two major lacunae in the report of the panel reviewing the FRBM Act
Fiscal responsibility legislation that does not constrain the Budget process is irrelevant
A council with only advisory powers will be ineffective
Fiscal prudence is about the quality of expenditure, not just quantity
The finance ministry released the report of an experts committee that reviewed the FRBM Act
Committee is examining the need and feasibility of having a fiscal deficit range