The Ambassador was a durable enough brand to outlive the licence raj
With the acquisition of Himani, Emami entered the mainstream personal care category in the late seventies
Despite the recent imposition of import rule and high duties, the yellow metal continues to attract buyers
The group's much-touted acquisitions in recent years follow a series of disappointments in joint ventures
Showing a montage of daily life, it advocated taking pride in an Indian brand
The seventies' oil shock forced Mahindra group's flagship to innovate for staying in business; that started the company's evolution into a technology disruptor, whether through in-house R&D or ser
The endorsement career of India's megastar Amitabh Bachchan displays his relevance in diametrically opposite roles and product categories
This business got off to a shaky start but the advent of credit bureaus de-risked it
Ranbaxy tasted success for the first time in the 1960s with its tranquiliser, Calmpose
Arun Nanda, chairman, Mahindra Lifespaces, & chairman, Mahindra Holidays, says the diversification into the services business was a well-thought-out plan based on what new India would need
Industry leaders on where they see the Indian economy 40 years on
Business Standard emerged from the ashes of a failed English daily and its early days demanded as much expertise in horse-racing and negotiating the intricacies of the hot metal press as in editing
Control rather than freedom, direction rather than participation, productivity rather than creativity, in today's context it was unbelievable how companies were run in the seventies
Engineering conglomerate fended off three corporate raids but emerged stronger
India is a great motion picture rather than a static photograph, as the evolution of the financial sector over the past four decades has shown
India has made a remarkable journey from a top-down system of economic decision-making to one that unleashed our entrepreneurial spirits but the next big jump lies in enhancing the quality of our tale
...but their reign has been tumultuous as the company has seen compelling battles for ownership
Bharat Doshi, non-executive director, Mahindra Group, explains how the Group survived the oil crisis of 1973 with a simple innovation - replacing its Jeep's Hurricane engine with a customised version