Want to help Covid victims? Stories of kindness amid unprecedented crisis
Want to help Covid victims? Stories of kindness amid unprecedented crisis
Last Updated : May 12 2021 | 6:19 PM IST
What sets Covid-19 apart from other tragedies is its all-embracing nature. While terror attacks target specific groups of say, commuters or revellers at a five-star hotel, and accidents usually impact victims in the vicinity and their immediate kin, coronavirus has been completely agnostic in its devastation. Everyone we know, including ourselves, would have lost neighbours, friends, relatives or colleagues to a disease that shows little signs of abating. Yet the pandemic brings with it a unique form of compassion that cuts across all levels of society, with some Samaritans feeding the poor, others doing what they can to arrange oxygen, medicines and other critical items for those in their neighbourhood, and others loosening their purse string to heed appeals for monetary support. And these stories make us believe that together, we shall overcome this. Let's have a look at some such stories in the video.