05:48 PM, 3rd Feb 2023
In pursuance of Regulation 39 (3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 we hereby inform you that the share certificates held by the following shareholder(s) has been reported lost/misplaced with/without accompanied by Transfer Deed(s) : Sl. No Folio No. Name No. of shares Cert. No. Dist. Nos.(From - To ) Received on 1 19467 SUSHILA GANGARAM GAVADEMR MEGHA ABHAY MASURKARMS SHUBHANGI ASHOK SINKAR 10001000 1946743201 464140071-4641410702653919675-2653920674 02/02/2023Please notify the above to all the members of the exchange and confirm.