The Most Incredible World Cup Stories captures the rambunctious, funny, controversial and the human side of football and offers a great deal of entertainment to football fans ahead of the World Cup
Gautam Chikarmane's book is a politically intrepid look at India's transformation from an economy 'of the small, by the small, for the small' to one 'of the big, by the big, for the big'
David M Rubenstein's compilation of interviews with star money managers is a joy to read
An anthology, edited by John Le Carre's son, takes us through the bestselling spy novelist's life through a series of revealing, yet delightful, collection of letters
In The Sassoons, Joseph Sassoon charts his family's triumphs and tragedies across continents and centuries and uncovers a tribe of fascinating figures
The book celebrates Abbas by showing how this "boy from Panipat, land of Sufis, land of battles" introduced the small-town sensibilities to Indian cinema.
Following its retreat from Afghanistan, has the US hauled itself back to the centre of the geostrategic world? A new book argues it has but warns India not to give up its status as a 'Swing State''
A short but beautifully written book by an Albanian woman physicist delves into the non-mathematical explanations of the existence of multiple universes and where the hypothesis could lead
In current times when data is under threat, N Bhaskara Rao's book makes a compelling argument for basing policies on sound research and using data and insights wisely for the purpose
The idea of Indo-Pacific is an evolving one, with scholars interpreting it according to their point of view. Aditi Malhotra's refreshing new book offers a theoretical perspective
Leerhsen is a former executive editor at Sports Illustrated whose previous books include biographies of Ty Cobb and Butch Cassidy
Women are largely invisible in the business landscape. Shaili Chopra's book, featuring their stories of entrepreneurship, shines a light on their role in society and brings them out of the shadows
Ashok Ganguly's recently released memoir is refreshingly different from the standard autobiographies. A lot like the man himself - unpretentious, matter-of-fact and pulling no punches
Sherpas have come a long way. A new book explores the tenuous link between their lives and livelihood
Despite the inconsequence of its opinions on the national discourse, the Congress remains important. So, why does the party consciously choose not to pursue a path that could resurrect it?
Chip War makes clear, the clash of resounding arms between autocracy and democracy is powered by silicon chips
Madhava Rao is virtually unknown today, but Rahul Sagar's book brings to life this forgotten statesman of the nineteenth century, who took the first steps towards enlightened governance in the country
Despicable, frightening and differentiated by their false faith - Peter Osborne's book is a brave and substantial attempt to correct enduring misconceptions that have shaped Western view of Muslims
A command-and-control hierarchical leadership regime is so 20th century. The new approach is more purpose-driven
Quammen was among those who had long predicted this kind of catastrophe