Its importance is seen in its ability to hugely influence the nation's economy, as it reflects aggregate demand in addition to household consumption, business investment, and net exports
Its importance is seen in its ability to hugely influence the nation's economy, as it reflects aggregate demand in addition to household consumption, business investment, and net exports
A task force had recommended changes in indexation benefit rules for the capital gains tax in 2019, and it is expected to be the main basis of the review
Cryptoassets have come under the regulatory spotlight amid concerns they could be used to circumvent financial sanctions imposed on Russia since its invasion of Ukraine
Cryptocurrencies need to be regulated like any other financial asset and it would be unwise for India to ban private crypto assets, a study released by Observer Research Foundation said
Most of the assets are held outside Afghanistan potentially putting most of them beyond the insurgents' reach, according to Afghan officials, including the bank's acting governor, Ajmal Ahmady